Crested Butte Rotary Club
The Rotary Club of Crested Butte/ Mt Crested Butte was chartered in 1983. The Club is a service organization with vocational and social attributes. CB Rotary is a non-profit that benefits students and community causes through service, philanthropy and financial giving.
We invite you to explore and dive into the world of Rotary. The membership application is available at
It will do a world of good!
The Club is welcome to all adult men and women of all vocations. We maintain an active roster of around thirty members. Our message is non-secular and inclusive. We strive to have fun with engaging weekly breakfast meetings hosting programs that feature relevant speakers as well as seasonal social gatherings. Our Club benefits from a diversity of members in a wide array of professions and demographics.
Our primary philanthropy each year is hosting the annual rubber duck race. This fundraiser attracts $60,000 on average and proceeds are directed to student college scholarships and local charitable grants.
Rotary members who enjoy the most gratitude and longevity in their Rotary lives, are members who “plug in” and get involved with programs, volunteer efforts and participation in club activities. Rotary is a “self-start” organization where ideas blossom from individuals who collaborate with club members and other clubs regionally and internationally to do good for those in need.
There are endless opportunities for participation in all avenues of Rotary service, from administration and membership to community service, youth exchange and international partnerships.
Membership in our club is by invitation from an existing member/ sponsor. Our board reviews new member applications monthly for approval. Interested candidates usually attend several regular meetings as guests prior to their formal induction.
Member dues are $225 and are paid twice per year. Individual food costs are voluntary and are paid separately. Our Club is flexible about meeting attendance, especially since we are a seasonal resort community with many part time residents. We meet almost every week of the year at 9380 Restaurant in the Elevation Hotel. Members congregate for coffee and breakfast from 7AM to 7:45AM when the bell rings and the meeting commences. We adjourn at 8:30AM.
Each Club member shares a responsibility to maintain their dues payments, attend meetings as frequently as possible and support our annual duck race with volunteer time and ticket sales.
A membership applications can be found here.
Please submit a completed application to Maggie Dethloff via email to