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Buy 2019 Rubber Duckie Race Tickets

*You do not need to be present to win. You will be emailed your ticket numbers within one week of purchase. We will be cutting off online ticket sales two weeks prior to the race to ensure that every online purchase correlates with a duck in the race.

*Free poster with purchase of ticket. Posters are available for pick-up at the Duck Ticket Tents throughout the summer.

*One free mug with $100 purchase. Mugs will not be mailed but will be available for pick-up at ticket tents throughout the summer with receipt showing $100 purchase.

*Must be 18 years or older to purchase duck race tickets.

2019 Spring/Summer Community Grants

April 2019

Press Release

The Rotary Club of Crested Butte/Mt Crested Butte announces it Community Grant Program schedule for the 2019 spring/summer cycle.

The 2019 spring/summer community grant cycle deadline to apply is June 1, 2019. The community grant committee will begin their detailed selection process shortly thereafter. Selected nonprofit organizations will be announced in July 2019.

Learn about the Rotary’s grant program, included detailed guidelines such as application instructions and grant criteria here.

Remember, those requesting grants are not longer required to make a presentation at the Rotary Club but must make a formal written request to the community grant committee. This will allow all organizations that meet the Rotary’s community grant criteria an equal opportunity to request grant funds.

Rotary looks forward to providing continued support to nonprofit organizations as they work to make ad difference inner communities. Please remember, Rotary’s community grants are one of the many programs that are funded by the proceeds earned through Rotary’s Great Rubber Duckie Race!

2018/19 Fall/Winter Community Grant PSA

November 1, 2018

Press Release

The Rotary Club of Crested Butte/Mt Crested Butte announces it Community Grant Program schedule for the fall/winter cycle.

The 2018 fall/winter community grant cycle deadline to apply is December 15, 2018. The community grant committee will begin their detailed selection process shortly thereafter. Selected nonprofit organizations will be announced in February 2019.

Learn about the Rotary’s grant program, included detailed guidelines such as application instructions and grant criteria here.

Remember, those requesting grants are not longer required to make a presentation at the Rotary Club but must make a formal written request to the community grant committee. This will allow all organizations that meet the Rotary’s community grant criteria an equal opportunity to request grant funds.

Rotary looks forward to providing continued support to nonprofit organizations as they work to make ad difference inner communities. Please remember, Rotary’s community grants are one of the many programs that are funded by the proceeds earned through Rotary’s Great Rubber Duckie Race!

2018 Rubber Duckie Race

The 2018 Rubber Duckie race was a huge success with some very intense and motivated ducks! 5,397 duckies raced down Coal Creek, helping to raise over $55,000 for local non-profits and kids! Thanks to all the volunteers who made this happen, and thanks to the CB Fire Department for helping get the water levels up to race standards (with 2,000 gallons of extra water).

Jackson’s Honest Presents to Rotary

Today we had the pleasure of learning about the story behind Jackson’s Honest,  a local chip company that’s taking the world by storm! Made for and name after their son Jackson, these chips are a healthy alternative to your typical potato, tortilla and even puff options found in most stores. Jackson’s Honest are become more and more prevalent around the country. Learn all about their story and products at!

2018/19 Board of Directors

Meet your Crested Butte/Mt Crested Butte Rotary Club Board of Directors for the 2018/19 year!

President- Charlie Tomlinson
Treasurer- Gary Hartman
Secretary- Kay Gentry
Youth Exchange Chair- Dawn Howe
Membership Chair- Frank Stichter
Duck Chairs- Frank Stichter & Chelsea Stangl
Grants Chair- Richard Cole
Foundation Chair- Bud Bush
Programs Chair- Philip Reed
Scholarships Chair- Charlie Tomlinson

Duck Sorting Party!

The Crested Butte Rotary hosted their annual duck sorting party on Wednesday, May 16 at the Queen of All Saints Parish Hall. Thanks to everyone who came out for the potluck and duck sorting. It was a fun community event.

Who knew you could sort 6,000 ducks so fast?

2018/19 Out-Bound RYE Students

The Rotary is pleased to be assisting four talented young ladies head abroad this coming school year! From left to right above, Mattie will be heading to the Czech Republic, Avery will study in Thailand, Maisy will spend the year in Japan, and Annalise will be in Sweden. Our out-boule Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) students gave a presentation to the Crested Butte Rotarians this morning describing their host countries and sharing what they’re most excited and concerned about.  All four will take most, if not all, of their classes in their host country’s native language, and they’re learning the languages quickly. The Rotary’s annual Duckie Race provides the funding to help sponsor RYE students, and we are thankful to all of the volunteers and participants who help make this happen! Tickets for the 2018 Duckie Race will be available soon!

Good luck, Mattie, Avery, Maisy and Annalise! We look forward to hearing about your adventures throughout the coming year.